Sunday 19 May 2019

Day 2103

Day 2103;

Now my BMI was down to 19.40! I had only taken 10,176 steps which was an equally pathetic 6.59 km in distance walked but my calories surprised me 980 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (fish in wholemeal bread), 2 cakes, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Dinner: rice, chicken, peas, carrots and sweet corn.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit squash.

First up what is going on tomorrow I know that I am planning on going to athletics practice, now I should probably be fit enough to ride the tandem to athletics one of these days, do athletics, then ride back home. The lightness of the nights now are getting lighter for longer, so it could, possibly, be doable for a cycle whilst it’s still light out. But I’m unsure of wether Mich would sanction such an action, I know that we are quicker and all, at cycling now, on average as we started off by riding around at an a speed of something like 12 mph, I think, which is now up to 15 mph, as an average speed, which is quite impressive if you asked me. I know it’s still hopeless on a whole, as Mich and myself each managed to get to 19 mph average on the turbo trainer. But Mich is still better than I at maintaining his speed over an hour. I was going along at 10 miles for the first half hour, so I decided to conserve a bit of my energy on the second half hour, it wasn’t as easy in the second quarter half hour. 

For today my BMI was artificiality decreased as I had a slight sickness feeling during my dinner, it was only phlegm. I kept chocking up phlegm, I had no idea of the reason also, as I had ate about half of my children in rice and I stopped eating, as I physically couldn’t eat no more food, well I could have put it in my mouth but then phlegm would have pushed it out again. I hate phlegm, what’s it for? I looked at Wikipedia excessive creation, looks like what was happening, so I was looking for a cause;
1. Verbal abuse, no I somehow don’t think that applies here.
2. Smoking, neither that, as I have never smoked in my life, I’m leaving that until my death, you can burn my body then.
3. Illnesses like cold flu pneumonia, could be I’ve definitely felt better.
4. Hay fever asthma, I have never been diagnosed with either of the two conditions but I have got an inhaler which I used for this occurrence, it had little to no effect.
5. Air pollution, I haven’t really been outside apart from my tandem ride, which the other person on the tandem didn’t face similar conditions to me.

Then today I was on Mich’s tandem in the morning then I watched a bit more of Game of Thrones, until Mich returned and had set up the Zwift bike, of which I managed to get ten miles done in the first half an hour, so I decided to conserve some speed for the rest of the ride, and I had made it round in just about an hour, pity that it wasn’t even a whole twenty mile course it was only a nineteen mile course, I was one of the last to actually get into the ride, as soon as I had logged into the ride the countdown switched to 0 and then I was off. Then afterwards I watched some more Game of Thrones. So all in all it was a very good however much of a lazy day.

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