Saturday 4 May 2019

Day 2088

Day 2088;

A BMI of 19.92, I had walked 10,697 steps which was only 6.93 km and 1282 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, strawberries, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner:  pie (chicken), carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, Jaffa cakes, strawberries and raspberry chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I am unsure of what I have lined up, for me to do. Which maybe as I know that I have got a tandem ride in the morning planned to get us, Mich and I, to the GM’s place of residence, then I’m unsure of what is going on in the afternoon as I might ride on the Zwift bike, stage 4, or I could be going to the gym or I could be doing both; no I won’t be doing both don’t get your hopes up Savage.

So the new TV arrived a couple of days ago I think but it’s good, I have been using it to watch through the Game of Thrones, I got to season 3 episode 3 I think, in my watch through. I wonder if I can get to season 4 before episode 4 of season 8 comes out because I’ve only got tomorrow left to watch it, I’m thinking that it’s very doubtful that I will be able, then I will have to get through season 5 before episode 5 comes out, which should probably be doable, I think at least. Anyway Dorne is a creepy place Cersei and Jamie Lannister should have just gone to there, then the whole of Brandon Stark’s journey wouldn’t have happened and that would mean that Arya Stark wouldn’t have become faceless which would have been great for the Night King to just stroll up to the land of Westeros and walkover it.

I had 2 team boccia matches today 1 we lost by a substantial margin, the other we won though, I was our teams captain, for both of the matches, so for the terrible game that we played in the first match I take full responsibility for. In the second match, we won the first end 2, then we lost the second end by 2, then the third we lost again by another 2, before the fourth end of which we won by 2, so the score was 4-4 going into the final 2 ends. End 5 was another victory for the opposition fortunately it was only by 1 point, so by the end of the 5th end it was 5-4 to the opposition. So it was the sixth end it was the final end unless we scored 1 which would take it into an extra end, after two shots, as they had thrown the jack they got the first shot in we got the second so I asked for my little fat dude on the end to roll it up which he did, so we were laying shot so then the opposition team had to take their 5 remaining shots all shots were further than our first in the end, so I asked Mr Dude to take his second shot which gave us a 2 shot lead but I hadn’t gone out to check otherwise I would have called an end to the end then, but I let Nut take her 2 shots, thankfully neither of her shots troubled the Jack so we were still winning the match by 1 shot, by this time I had enough sense to come out and check the locations of the balls. I decided that it’d be wiser for me to not take my throws, so we won the match by 5-6.

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