Thursday 30 May 2019

Day 2114

Day 2114;

So my BMI today was 19.62, I had only made 13,738 steps by the time of my body test
8.90 km and I have burned 1400 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (ham, cheese in toast) and something.
Dinner: fish, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, chocolate trifle and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash dodgy beer and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I’m thinking that I should probably workout more, especially as my current activity minutes for the week so far is only 749 minutes per week our of my target which is 1000 minutes of activity so I probably should still be able to meet my target in 3 days, just need to do 3 more hours of jogging. I know that 3 hours only gives me 180 minutes which should only get me to 929 minutes, then 4 hours 20 minutes but then a 60 minute jog managed to get me something like 120 minutes, so then a 2 hour 10 which I should have to do in order to make it up for the rest of the week. But that isn’t tomorrow, what am I doing tomorrow? I think I am getting ready for my holiday which starts soon.

Before all that is going to happen is today and what has happened today? I cannot property remember, but I know that I have done an hour long jog and I have also been watching some of Game of Thrones season 6 episode 5, which was probably my second favourite episode of the whole 8 seasons .

Now I have had a little webpage open on my browser for a while now it says voter turnout at UK general elections 1945-2017, and before 1997 the polls were consistently higher than 70% then 2001 came around and it was down at an all time low of 59.4% Tony Blair was doing his best to destroy politics back then now a dayside has recovered a bit as the last general election was in 2017, which had the political participation at 68.7%, in turn was almost double the EU Elections turnout which was polling down at 37%, then many of the voters may have chosen not to vote as what is the point? So you probably would have only got the two points at the extreme ends of the political divide going out to vote, and there you go you’ve got many more on the extreme left of politics than on the extreme right, in Britain. Which could be the reason for the Lib Dem’s, Greens and Change UK doing so well, even though Mr Farage’s Brexit Party may have beaten them on an individual level.

Now I have also remembered what happened in the Europa League final it was a victory for the blues Chelsea won, in quite some style in the end at least, 4-1 to Chelsea.

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