Thursday 23 May 2019

Day 2107

Day 2107;

BMI of 19.59, steps I had done 11,889 which was 7.70km and I had burned off 1060kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: fish in pastry, broccoli, carrots, chocolate trifle and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I'm planning on going to do a bit more of snowboarding, well it’s another little lesson for me, I don’t know but I may actually get to go on the main slope tomorrow which should be fun. But I’m not too hopeful on my step count for tomorrow though.

So today I have had my six portions of fruit/vegetable, then I am unsure of what else I have done, as I know that I attempted to ride on Zwift, the Tour of Wattopia, but that was only an attempt I failed to actually ride it the iPad that I was using the battery ran flat. So I couldn’t complete the stage, it was a stage that I had done before as well, it was probably my favourite stage also and it’s a stage that I’m hopeless on, so I was hoping that I could improve myself on it this time, pity.

I hate emotions, they’re always getting misconstrued, which doesn’t help when people say to me to not get angry which in-turn gets me slightly angry, as I am like “I WASN’T ANGRY” getting all hot under the collar in the process then I check myself and I recenter myself back to being my more composed self, unless I feel like taking the piss when I act as the other person who thinks I’m angry is telling me that I’m acting like. Which can be fun.

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