Monday 20 May 2019

Day 2104

Day 2104;

A BMI of 19.59, I had walked 10,681 steps which gave me an almost as pathetic as yesterday distance of 6.91 km but my number of calories burned were up to 1193.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: wrap (chicken, duck, lettuce, spring onion), banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Dinner: pie (meat), carrots, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Now today I have been to the little athletics club,it’s a ton easier to run 400m when there’s no one else around and you don’t have to actually run anywhere, I’m typing about running on the treadmill in preference to running on a track. As in today I have been on both the treadmill and a track, but pity it was only a half hour walk on the treadmil, before later going to athletics club. But more on that later on in this report as I should now inform you of my exciting line up for tomorrow... of which I haven’t got one, but I’m planning on doing another bit of exercise tomorrow on the treadmill, bounce, row and ride, then I will probably spend another portion of the day watching more of the Game of Thrones, as I have watched it all once now but then again I am still on episode 8 of series 6 within my watch though.

Game of Thrones series 8 episode 6, was the episode that I watched today so spoiler warning do for anyone who doesn’t want to find out about the episode. In fairness it wasn’t the best of episodes, in fact it was probably my last favourite episode of the whole series’s. In the episode it shows the audience how intelligent dragons are, as even though Jon killed Daenerys in the throne room Drogo the dragon came in just after Jon had put his knife through her belly and then Drogo destroyed the iron throne and left Jon crouching over Daenerys’s body. The dragon was clearly in grief but it didn’t use its grief to destroy the culprit of its mother’s death, unless it was working on a separate premise which I think is better and destroying the throne which drove almost all who sat on it mad with the lust for power. The only people that kept their sanity after sitting on the throne, of the people that had any sanity to begin with, was probably Jamie Lannister, Ned Stark and I am unsure about this one, Tommen Baratheon/Lannister. But it was an ending to an amazing show.

Now today I have been out to athletics and in on the treadmill, as I have already stated. Now today at athletics I have ran around the track 3 times which gave me a distance of 1200m (1.2km or 3/4 of a mile)  but then again Mich had driven me to athletics, so we hadn’t cycled, and there were some people on bikes there also today. Mich said that we should have brought the tandem, that had been what I had told him earlier on today, but he said no as he’s too tired. After Mr Jaz Man beat me in the running around the track, as he usually does Mich was saying about how his strides were so long, I signed if I could see that then I may have been able to emulate him, but because I’m slow and my eyes aren’t the best, it was only as I was getting to the 200m mark and he was off out there just passing the 300m mark that I could actually see him, the sun was in my eyes over the first 100m and then on into the start of the second 200m it was only as I was going round the corner onto the back 100m when I could see properly.

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