Friday 1 March 2019

Day 2024

Day 2024;

Today I have been sitting around lazily, BMI up to 20.02 steps were 11,144 or 7.32 km and 909 kcal burned today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, chutney and ham in wholemeal bread) and something,
Dinner:scampi, chips, peas and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow, never comes, but other than that I am planning on going to practice a bit of boccia in the morning, then I’m unsure of what I’ve got planned for later tomorrow, the day after tomorrow I know that I’m missing another boccia match as I am skiing.

Now the other day, when we went out to see GAK, Mich was talking about Micheal Portilo and how he was doing a railways program on the TV. When the GAK abruptly stated “I don’t like Micheal Portilo, he’s gay” so what did Mich do as soon as he got home, he searched google is Micheal Portilo gay, and lord behold he isn’t, but he was for a couple of a length of time, within the scope of his marriage to a woman. That was a little humours story that I remembered from a previous day.

Then today I have had another lazy day minus the bike rides that I have got in. My steps via my watch were atrocious. As I am thinking that I only made a number just over 1000, instead of the just over 11,000 that I had done via my Wii Fit gizmo.

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