Tuesday 19 March 2019

Day 2042

Day 2042;

My BMI was 19.79, steps I had taken 23,430 which was 15.17 km I had burned 1399 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blueberries and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten again.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten but I think that I had some bread with either of the meals I have forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Tomorrow is another day that I am unsure of the happenings of tomorrow, wasn’t the Happenings a film? I am unsure but if it was I think it’s a film of the horror genre. I know why, it’s because I’m thinking that I have seen an advert for a film which I think had a Sixth Sense vibe about it, I know that the Sixth Sense isn’t really a horror film but it’s got ghosts in it, spoiler warning like the main character Mr Bruce, I do believe, I see dead people, and my phycologist/counsiler is one. It’s not like ghost where the ghost has to learn how to impact the world around him and save his girlfriend/wife from the people, which also isn’t a horror film. But then there’s 13 ghosts which I do believe is a horror film, but I cannot remember what happens in my but I can remember a lot of little things that are there to make you jump.

Ok how did that spring from the word Happenings, who were a band, which formed in 1961 and they discontinued their work in 1970, so a long time ago . So I could say that the Happenings happened a long time ago. But that’s not important what is important is the fact that Team Sky will continue under the name Team INEOS after Sky was pulling out of backing them, as they have now got the backing of Sir Jim Ratcliff, whoever he is? Apparently he’s the wealthiest man in Britain, so good luck to him with his newest investment, I hope that Team INEOS can become as good as team Sky was.

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