Thursday 28 March 2019

Day 2051

Day 2051;

My BMI today was 20.28, I had taken 13,567 steps (8.78 km) and I have burned off 1214 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages, rice cakes and cherry bakewell.
Dinner: salmon, broccoli, carrots, green beans, crochet potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Today I think I have been to the dentist in the morning and in the afternoon I have been to the gym, which was only as Mich was cleaning the tandems, else I’d have gone out on a tandem in the afternoon (as Tini hates taking me to the gym but I don’t know why, she only stands or sits around playing on her phone. It’s not as if she actually spends any time on her physical fitness; anymore. I think that she got into Yoga in something like the late 90’s, but then I think that she gave up and decided to get fat around about the start of the 00’s it consided with a traumatic event taking place, I’m guessing, I’m guessing that the event was traumatic not that the event happened back then, as I can remember it.

Such a shame that my short term memory isn’t as good.

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