Sunday 24 March 2019

Day 2047

Day 2047;

My BMI today was 19.95, I had taken 27,820 steps (which was 18.01 km, in distance) and I had burned 1536 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cottage cheese, tomato, ham in wholemeal bread) and something.
Dinner: salmon carrots, green beans, cauliflower, peas, broccoli, new potatoes, lemon meringue pie and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, elderflower and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I have a plan for what I should do, as I know that Mich is going off someplace, so no laugh down athletics club, I wonder if Tini is planning on taking me to the gym? I doubt that she’ll be home in time to take me at least m as I have got the new Rowing Machine now to go on, also.

The Rowing Machine I did go on today as I decided that it’d be less of a waste to use this solar energy which was in abundance, to power the switch, rather then the battery powered Rowing Machine.

So today we first went out on the tandem and Mich was saying that we flew around the 36 miles, which we had made in about 2 hours 25 minutes.

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