Monday 25 March 2019

Day 2048

Day 2048;

Today my BMI was 19.69, my steps were 22,790 (which gave me 14.76 km) and I had burned 1608 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cottage cheese, ham, tomato in wholemeal bread), lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast, chips and cream egg trifle.
Drinks:  milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 1 quality street chocolate.

But sorry MP’s, Brexit means Brexit, it means Britain leaving/exiting the EU, and it’s institutions. We all knew that when we cast our votes, we all knew the scaremongering stories when we cast the votes, but we cast the votes the way we did and guess what Brexit won, so you should be getting on with leaving instead of playing politics with your chums over there in the EU, stop insulting the people who voted you into office because the majority of the people that voted for you to get into office weren’t the elites that were down there in London today or the other day, however many people you are saying got time off of there job, or that could be they’re jobs (as if Corbyn or one of his friends just got bored one day and decided to rally around a load of people that were unemployed to get them to march around London a bit then they get paid and they go along with their lives), it was a national vote and London lost. The EU has already extended article 50 to the 12th of April. But that’s so she can get her deal through Parliament, it’s not so the government can have a series of votes, are you people in the houses of commons stupid or something?

Then today I have done some rowing, bouncing and walking. Which was after I had already been jogging on the spot for a bit around Kanto I have noticed that I had done gym leaders 5 and 6 the wrong way around, I had done Sabrina yesterday and today I’ve done Koga, which I believe that in the original games you could cycle down a track, route 17, which leads you to Koga from up there in Sabrina’s town, but I have only just got onto going on the route 17 and one of the first people I met there said that Bikers give her the creeps, I know it was something similar to that but it wasn’t that. Before that I had walked down to the hairdresser, Mich had a pleasant enough natter with the hairdresser then it was after that that I beat down Koga before turning onto route 17, without a bike.

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