Thursday 14 March 2019

Day 2037

Day 2037;

Today my BMI was back up to 20.11, my steps were 16,171 which was 9.82 km and I had burned off 1232 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (corned beef and cheese) and something.
Dinner: chicken korma, chicken tikka masala, pillow rice, potatoes, nan bread, popadom and chocolate cream egg trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

I have drunk some of my own blood before now, just as I have ate some of the mainly dead bits of skin from my hands not forgetting now the scabs that I have ate in the past, but just because I have eaten all of those little, insignificant, parts of myself shouldn’t make me a cannibal now, should it? Now I am open to cannibalism I’m letting you know but I have never been instructed to eat anyone for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack, so I haven’t. I wonder how different a vegan tastes from a meat eater?

Back now with what is going on tomorrow... I am unsure of what is going to happen tomorrow probably much like I was today. Which I first up got my 10,000 steps in the morning, by my watch. Now when I had managed to do that it was already almost time up on the morning, so I only had enough time to get in a jog around my room before the time was up. In the afternoon I managed to get in half an hour on the exercise bike, and half an hour on the rowing machine before a final half an hour on the trampoline.

Just as I would like to state that English clubs are doing well in the European competitions, seeing as how the four English clubs have managed to get through to the final 8 in the Champions League, as Arsenal and Chelsea are both through to the last 8 of the Europa League, if only our politicians could be as good at getting us out of the EU, as the EU has nothing to do with Football, I know that the EU has managed to get it’s fingers in the footballing pie, but seriously what is the point of politicising sport? You should get your money grabbing hands out of sports EU. It’s supposed to be a fair playing field that they are playing on, not one that is contrived by yourselves.

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