Wednesday 27 March 2019

Day 2050

Day 2050;

My BMI was up to 20.41, meanwhile my steps were down to 8202 (which was only 5.31 km) and I had burned 955 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten with lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: seafood pasta, lemon meringue pie and cream egg trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit tea (with milk), fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate cake and Jaffa cakes.

The tale of Brexit is as follows; the PM calls a vote, the result of the vote comes in its not as he’d planned it to be so he quits his job as PM (as he believes that he’s no longer up to the job) the next leader comes in, she enacts the article that is supposed to get us out of the thing that the referendum was about. The then she sits on her hands waiting for the clock to run down, until just before the article expires (better that way than after it expired, or would it?) now they’ve got a 2 week extension for what? I don’t know no one knows, I’m guessing you could say that it’s to get Mrs May’s deal through the Parliament but they must know that the whole idea of that is going to fail, so what are they trying to get? They want a revote on the question wether to leave or remain? The thing is with the second vote on our membership of the EU, is what if the result is the same, or even if leave wins by an even greater number? You’re still in the same position of not knowing what you’re doing to respect the will of the people, you’re no closer to finding an agreement within the house, you will have just wasted your time, and then again a house divided cannot stand, as an old proverb said (I think), and the House of Commons is a divided house they can’t get a consensus on any deal that is put in front of them.

Tomorrow I’m going to the dentist and then I’m unsure of what I will be doing the rest of the day but I am sure that they’ll have something else in the Brexit debacle for me to type about tomorrow,

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