Friday 8 March 2019

Day 2031

Day 2031;

My BMI was up again on yesterday’s result (it was at 19.92), as my steps increased to 18,434 (or 11.94 km) and my calories fell to 1224 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, yogurt, banana, pear, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef, cheese, pickle in wholemeal bread) and fruit cake.
Dinner: pizza (margarita and Hawaiian), chips and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Now tomorrow I have got boccia and a football match to go to. I don’t think that I have any other plans for tomorrow. I’ll probably be lazy tomorrow though, as I cannot seem to motivate myself to do pretty much anything recently.

Well yesterday I got what I was going to do today incorrect as I had nothing to do today, so I just sat around for the morning and then I jogged on the spot while I was watching Galaxy Quest,

 I thought was really good in, I know I shouldn’t have been expecting it to be totally terrible, as it had Miss Aliens (Ripley) in as well as Monk and Snape, in it as well as some other actors, who I probably should remember. It was as I was looking at a Facebook post the other day and it had many, well nine, different sci-fi films. And on it said pick 2 the rest will be erased from history. I couldn’t pick it had on the list Galaxy Quest, Independence Day, Back to the Future,  Terminator, Starship Troopers, Jurassic Park, Super 8,  Fifth Element and Edge of Tomorrow.  Then I wasn’t sure that I’d even seen them, so I started off with Galaxy Quest and crew member 6 Guy got a surname, after dying in his first episode, he then helped the rest of the crew in the actual space battle and he got a surname, it was Guy Fleegman.

Then after that I watched a bit of the Fifth Element, I thought that I watched it a while back, then again I didn’t know whether I did or not. I don’t think that I ever have watched it in reality it must be the memes that I have seen about Leeloo (Mila from the Resident Evil films) and Bruce (from the sixth sense).

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