Wednesday 13 March 2019

Day 2036

Day 2036;

Today my BMI was 19.92, my steps were 15,598 which was 10.10 km and I apparently had burned 986 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, apple, orange, banana and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner:  I’ve forgotten and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Tomorrow is another day different from today, maybe I will be getting back on Mich’s bike for a little cycle around on Zwift tomorrow, I am unsure of what I have planned for tomorrow. As I don’t think that I have got another session in the gym planned out, which could mean naught as I was unsure about it today then I think that I went to the gym today this afternoon.

Ok so today I have had a mini jog around to get my steps up to a decent number before l stopped for lunch. Today I also added a new keyboard for what I am uncertain of but I believe that it should help me it’s a keyboard but it’s in mandarin so that’s going to be interesting. Then after that on this day I have been to the gym, it was only for another one of my goes on the lateral trainer followed by the exercise bike, I didn’t get any time on the weight machines.

Is there any other interesting things that I did today, I cannot remember, I guess that sums up my life, I probably would have a lot to say about it if only I could remember it and speak. Then you’d probably have my unappealing face to look at as I read all that I did today out on YouTube or some similar platform, but if 1 good female friend is to be believed I was “definitely a looker” back in the days of my past. So that’s something.

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