Saturday 2 March 2019

Day 2025

Day 2025;

BMI was up again to 20.11, as my steps were up to 30,427 (which was equal to 19.70 km) and I had burned 1627 kcal today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: sausage casserole, mashed potato, vegetables and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: banana, apple, pear, orange, yogurt and biscuits.

Tomorrow I think I have got skiing, but what else I do not know, maybe I could fit in a quick go on the treadmill, perhaps even on the Zwift bike, as I am not going to able to ride around the local area on either one of the tandems. As I got that fun today.

So today I have been to boccia in the morning but then as I had returned home I found out that the boccia match tomorrow was cancelled, due to some fault in the oppositions bus, but I was thinking that it was at the oppositions ground, so why do they need a bus to get to their own ground? I mean do football teams coaches take home calls? I don’t know but I’d think not, it’s a bus not a taxi, a different is that busses have predefined starting and ending points, taxis don’t they just come to you and take you to where you want to go.

So today I have only managed to do just over 13,000 steps, by my watch which could be sad I have been having a lazy day until just after lunch when I went on the back of a tandem with Mich, on the tandem’s from..and we had done so well, we hadn’t been overtaken by another cyclist all journey until just about the end where we were suddenly disturbed by a man, who was this man you may ask, it was only the the club leader of the cycling club that we are kind of unofficial members of who came up to us, then he had a chat with Mich then he rode off home.. 

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