Thursday 28 February 2019

Day 2023

Day 2023;

So it’s been day 2023 and my BMI was 19.92, my steps were 16,815 which was 10.89 km (according to Wii Fit) and I burned 1466 kcal,

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: chicken fajitas and Doritos with mild salsa.
Dinner: gammon, cauliflower, green beans, broccoli, carrots, cream egg trifle and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider, water and hot Ribena.

What I am planning on doing tomorrow is basically what I have done today plus a bit more on the exercise bike, even a bit at the gym, but I am not too confident about that happening.

Ok, now today I haven’t been on the exercise bike but I have done everything else plus a little bit of Yoga/Wii Fit balance games as I have had Allergy to entertain for a while in the afternoon, and she was saying that she was feeling more energetic than other days (as she had already been to the gym this morning) seems to be backwards slightly, but then again fitness breads fitness, as in the more that you do the more that you’ll feel able to do so the more that you’ll do. I’ll attempt to explain it in a different format: E is the amount of energy that you have so you’re E could equal 1 and then you’re feeling pretty tired all the time so you’re feeling too tired to do any exercise. Then on another day you’re E is up to 2 so you go to the gym with your friend(s) and they make you feel like you’re E level has maxed out at 3 I don’t know how but it could be something to do with the encouragement that you are subject to, anyway you have eE, encouraged Energy, which equals 1+2 which is different from having a straight 3 in energy as if you had a straight 3 in energy you’d probably be tired by the point of your workout finishing at the gym, but then you’d be relying on your rehabilitating qualities to get you through the other exercises that you’re doing. Oh the benefits of being an empathetic person, and being able to use that extra 1 of energy.

Now today I have started off by having a bounce before another row, which in turn was before lunch which I had 1 and a half mild chicken fajitas, as allergy decided that her chicken fajita was too hot for her but if anyone could please inform me of what a hot/spicy food actually tastes of as I meant I could feel a small like tingling at the back of my throat, of which you could (as probably do) say that that’s is the foods heat, then I don’t feel any heat radiating from the food. So what is the whole point of Hot Mexican food? The salsa dip for the Doritos actually had a cooling effect on my mouth, so what is this all about?

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