Sunday 17 February 2019

Day 2012

Day 2012;

Now today I have returned home so I had got a BMI of 20.05, I had only walked 5239 steps which was 3.39 km and I had burned off 593 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal in milk.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: corned beef sandwich in white bread and a packet of salted vinegar flavoured snack a jacks.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, shloer and some hot lemon squash.
Snacks: jelly babies.

Today was a lazy day for me as I was only getting myself home, which included me getting up, getting on a bus, going to an airport, taking a flight before finally taking a drive to my home. Which was a positively dull way to spend my morning. But then when I had got home I don’t know what I did, I cannot remember, which is what is telling me that I didn’t do anything for a whole day basically, apart from traveling.

I have been thinking about something that happened to me while I was skiing the other day, as Emu was getting really excited about my ability in skiing, I know this as she was congratulating me about how good I looked while I was skiing on this video that Mich had taken, and then Mart was just like meh I knew he could do that down the black run, but he was impressed by what followed me, as it was C that followed me down on two skis nice and controlled, this was the bit of black which took me 15 seconds and I thought that I had gone slowly enough.

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