Saturday 23 February 2019

Day 2018

Day 2018;

According to Wii Fit I had a BMI of 20.05, as I had only walked 7419 steps (4.80 km) and I had only managed to burn 780 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, pear and banana.
Lunch: egg and bacon sandwich.
Dinner: vegetarian lasagna, salad and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

So recently I’ve been getting very confused, as there’s been that Jussie Smollett controversy, which I say highlights our need to slow down in the rushing to judgment on everything, not just taking one hysterical kids perspective and running a marathon on it. As I had never heard of the kid Jussie Smollett before a couple of days ago when there was reports of him apparently being attacked, and having racist and homophobic insults hurled at him, in a verbal way. Well first I’d like to say what is a homophobic insult? I mean I have been called gay in the past, which got pretty confusing as on one hand I was called gay/homosexual, and then by the same people I was told that I was performing a variety of sexual acts with a girl, who I hadn’t even wished to do anything with, which was before there was another girl that came to my school who was a very good friend before another girl got the “wrong” idea, I assumed at the time (In the heat of the moment) but I’m not so sure now [oh well best not regret things that never happened as I have done enough to regret in my lifetime], now the two girls got mixed up in my head as I was apparently a homosexual but I had a lot going on in my sex life with two girls which were themselves pretty attractive.

Hang on a second I got sidetracked with another personal story, what I was meaning to put down, up above, the reports of Jussie being attacked physically, I can say from personal experience that it isn’t nice, but you just have to keep going on with your life, the best way you know how to, don’t let them stop you from doing anything, and you can even fight back if that makes it feel better, I know that did for me. Then if went onto the racial and homophobic abuse, I’m unsure about that as a cricketer got another cricketer in trouble the other day by saying something about it not being much of an insult, the insinuation of his sexuality, but that’s in cricket and I’m unsure of how a homophobic comment is supposed to work, is it supposed to be I hate you as you’re gay or is it I hate you as you’re scared of gays? It’s so confusing. Either way or any way I think that the youth of today should just grow some thicker skin and stop all of this petulant, entitled behaviour.

Then today I have been to the gymnasium to practice playing some boccia, I lost the game 10-7, but my opponent still says that I’m good at boccia, which is after she says that she’s terrible at the game. But I’m guessing that I have got to play some more of the game tomorrow as it is the day of the competition.

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