Friday 22 February 2019

Day 2017

Day 2017;

My BMI was 19.76, as I had walked 12,777 steps (which were 8.27 km apparently) and I had burned 1024 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, pear, apple and yogurt.
Lunch:  omelette (cheese), coleslaw and rice cakes (chocolate and orange coated).
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and a fruit tart.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

The knobbly bits on your back, your spinal column, are you supposed to be able to see them? As I was having a slight chest and back examination by the nurse that I live with the other day as she asked me to lift my t-shirt as she wanted to find something wrong with me as if it negates her weight in some way, anyway that’s millennial logic, I’ve pretty much never understood it, even though I am one.

I really hope that Allergy will start exercising again, as I know that she’s good at her job, for the NHS, but I know that it should be good for the NHS to look after her in the future. We don’t want her to have to take early retirement because she hasn’t looked after her physical health good enough up until then.

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