Wednesday 6 February 2019

Day 2001

Day 2001;

For my BMI today was 19.85, then I had done 1832 steps which was a pitiful 1.19 km and I had burned off 479 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, plum, apple, pear and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (chicken, bacon in wholemeal bread, raspberries apple batternburg.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, Ribena, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 2 jelly babies.

According to Donny Tusk there’s a special place in hell for Brexiteers without a plan, does he mean me? If he does then someone should tell him that empty threats mean naught as your promise of an afterlife does to me, an afterlife in hell is meaningless to a nonbeliever, at least I am not a nonsense believer like yourself is inevitably unless you think, quite correctly probably, that what you said was, in which case I believe that you’re full of sh... language Savage, sorry Yellow anyway as I was meaning I believe that Mr Tusk is full of watsits. Now that is the blokes concept of hell if he even believes in it, which I state is doubtful, sufficiently deconstructed, I do believe. As for the Brexit without a plan, I have been prepared for a “no deal” scenario, in fact that is what I voted for, and whatever the government can get back off of the EU would just be a bonus, because we’ve elected a Remainer leader for the proceedings she’s just let you get away with fleecing us and thinking that’s a good deal now you’ve seen what you can get away with from the PM your just attempting to call her bluff and then when we leave on the 29th of March with a no deal, are you really going to stop using us to push your goods on? Or are you just going to stockpile it in Calis, annoying your pissed off Frenchies as your at it, which may have a knock on effect on the Frogs joining into your marriage, divorce? But then what’s more didn’t the Irish vote to get out of the EU a while back? How would they like to come with us? Or alternatively they could join up with the north of Ireland and they could leave the rest of the EU and UK behind, have a reunified Ireland.

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