Thursday 7 February 2019

Day 2002

Day 2002;

BMI of the day was 19.95, but my steps had increased to 10,076 (6.52 km) and I had burned 781 kcal, which I could probably put down to the lack of doing anything yesterday except the attempt to sweat out the cold virus and think about what Donny Tusk was saying about me going to a special place in hell.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, baked potato and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: some jelly babies.

Now today I have been more energetic, than the previous two days as I have started off by going for a walk on the treadmill which later on changed into a walk around the local area, which was nice to get some air in my lungs after two days of being pretty much bed bound, as I want to get myself into peak physical condition for the following week of skiing, and now I know that Mich thought that skiing was the greatest experience of his life, last year, I’ve got to hopefully make it better for him this year, I don’t know how I can, it’ll be interesting to find out though prehaps if he can ski for a bit more with our group this year?

What is the special place in hell? Is it heaven, as I don’t know but heaven seems to be a special place that you go and your dead just like hell but it’s reserved for the people that are most devout to there individual religion, or the unborn (those that are without sin), if you want to go that far, from the beaten track of sanity. As if you just imagine, there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try, no hell bellow us, above us only sky, I’m sorry for my musical interlude I’ve been doing that a lot as of recent times. As I was meaning to state, before I got distracted, if you just imagine hell and heaven are like 2 sides of the same coin, you wouldn’t get one without the other, the carrot and the stick, up and down, so in that it makes sense to place heaven above and Hell below. Which is why I think of heaven and hell as the same space just that Heaven is a special place in Hell, what is hell? Hell is other people according to Jean Paul Sartre, but that’s for another time, the Hell which is most commonly referenced is the religious one which is supposed to be the world of the dead, in what ways is it any deferent to heaven? Just the accompanying crowd as there’re a lot of quality criteria for you to get into Heaven which don’t exist for Hell as for Hell you just need to have lived in some cases not even that, but Heaven you are set some other requirements to gain entry into depending on whichever you choose, it could be that you do a lifetime of selfless work for charity but you don’t say that you believe in a magical sky demon then you’re going to Hell but you could spend all of your days torturing people for laughs but you say a prayer every night or you have a death bed conversion and your sent to heaven when your time comes.

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