Thursday 21 February 2019

Day 2016

Day 2016:

BMI was 19.69, steps were 15,287 (9.9 km) and I had burned 1208 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, pear, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: omelette (cheese and mushroom), bakewell slices and Batternburg.
Dinner: pasta and vegetarian meatballs and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: wine gums.

So today I have been to the gym, then I have had another lazy day, as. I haven’t done anything apart from walk around the town that I live in until after I had my dinner when I had myself another little cycle around London it was up Keith Hill. Now I wonder if I could do Box and Leith Hill’s on the same Zwift cycle, and how long woupld it take me? As I know that if I turn right at the first turning the next time it asks you wether you want to go to Keith Hill or Fox Hill. I’m thinking that Fox hill was where I went up the other day, the hill which lead to both Box Hill  and Leith Hill, I have found that if I go Keith Hill way at the end of the it shows that I could do Box Hill, so if I did Box Hill then it might give me the chance to do Leith Hill directly afterwards. Then maybe I should attempt that, Keith Hill, Box Hill and then Leith Hill, I should probably get to it as soon as I have approximately three hours free, and my iPad has 3 hours worth of charge on it.

Now why 3 hours it is only because I did Leith Hill in about one hour probably slightly longer if I include all of the getting to the hill and stuff which was when my iPad’s battery started to fail, and just I had reached the bottom of Box Hill from the start today by coming the Keith Hill way today in about an hour so that is about two hours without having Box Hill in the middle, I’m imagining that I wouldn’t be as fresh to takle Leith hill if I have been doing Box Hill first, as Box Hill is supposedly tough and I should know about it, as I was tandeming across the two of them some time in the past two years, I’m forgetful.

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