Tuesday 1 January 2019

Day 1965

Day 1965;

My BMI was up again to 19.46, as were my steps to 14,364 steps which was only 9.46 km and I had burned off 1055 kcal, today according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: melon (white and orange), banana, eggs, bacon and bread.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in white bread), prawn,
Dinner: chicken and chips,
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, shloer and hot Ribena.

Start the new year up as you intend to continue, I once heard a wise man (at least I think it was) say. So I have done enough steps today pity I haven’t managed to walk 10 km today, so in the morning we had a walk around the place that I had seen on the news the other day and my watch had me at something like 14,000 steps by the time that we’d arrived back at the car to go back to the house that we were staying in which was a little 3 story house, no wonder everyone is getting fat(ter) if they live in a city it’s not as they all never walk anywhere as they do but it’s reliance on automobiles, Mich pumped the wheels of there bikes up so that on another visit to there house, when we bring our tandem we can have a nice ride with them, probably to the place that we went to today but instead of driving we could ride our bikes to the place, which had a lot cycle lanes.

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