Monday 28 January 2019

Day 1992

Day 1992;

My BMI was 19.95 today, my steps were 17,614 (11.40 km) and 1640 kcal is the amount of kcal that I burned off.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: sausages, vegetable stew (peas, carrots and mushroom), dumplings, cream egg trifle and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 6 quality street chocolates.

Today I have been on the treadmill for a walk in the morning, it was a walk to watch a bit more anime, I think. Then later on today I had myself another ride around London. Now in a 10 minute cycle around Watopia I managed to average a speed of above 21 mph, I think, then for my almost hour ride today I managed to average 20.3 mph which isn’t really that bad in depreciation, considering the speed that I started off by reaching, I’m guessing that it was a miracle that I managed to average a speed of anything close to 20 mph, as Mich had done another ride yesterday around the same course and I had got further than him in similar time, but his times for the first sections of the course were still better than mine, which I find interesting, I must get quicker off the blocks,

Then recently I have been discussing with my most exotic friend about skiing, and whether the activity of skiing is exotic or not, as I thought that it wasn’t, as it wasn’t hot enough to be classed as exotic, then again I was incorrect about my definition of what it takes to be called exotic. I believed that it had to be hot to be classed as exotic like exotic dancers, you know the dances that are in Hawaii but I was incorrect about that as those dances are called hula dances not exotic dances, so a miss understanding on my part there. Typing of Hawaii today I have been looking at YouTube and they have been off skiing in Hawaii, or at least some people have. Then Mich said that with the amount of snow that they have got there we may as well just go to Scotland.

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