Thursday 17 January 2019

Day 1981

Day 1981;

BMI is 19.82, steps today was 11,208 (7.28 km) and 1365 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: chip sandwich (wholemeal bread).
Dinner: sweet and sour chicken, rice and cream egg trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,

They are some of the lyrics from a properly decent song, by the Cranberries which is called Zombie, but Dolores (the bands lead singer has gone and popped her clogs, it was a year and 2 days ago) sad, I think is the correct response at least, I didn’t know her personally and her cause of death was drowning due to alcohol intoxication (being a bit of an idiot), then recently I have been exploring music from decades past, and I got to a playlist called 90’s Alternative, POP, Rock, Grunge and the good stuff. Which I clicked on from a video which was Green Day; Basket Case which is about the mentality ill, so that could be why I feel a great affinity with the song, even though I have been told that there’s nothing wrong with me mentally, all my problems are physical, yeah sure I believe you.

Now today I have been on the turbo trainer for a short period of time, but it was only a go slow as I had to stop part of the way through as there was a phone call and I had to act on instructions from the phone call which ruined my ride, then I did some bounce or was it before that I did the bounce? I also had another row and a treadmill walk. Then before I had done some yoga with Allergy. 

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