Saturday 26 January 2019

Day 1990

Day 1990;

20.21 was my BMIx, I had made 10,089 steps (6.53 km) and I had burned 910 kcal, today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: something, apple, banana, grapes, orange and yogurt.
Dinner: omelette (mushroom and cheese).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ginger beer and hot Ribena.

On today I have been on a little cycle for tonight and I have been jogging on the spot for about 40 minutes before I did my weigh, for today, just to make sure that I made my step quota for today, as I had been lazy for today.

I got up in the morning, I went to boring old boccia (lazy little sport where we’re sitting down throwing a ball) we managed to win in today’s practice match. Then after that I was just sat upstairs in my room “watching, waiting, commiserating, Say it ain’t so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home,” in actual fact I cannot remember what I had done for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. I know that I have been on a little cycle while I was waiting for something, of what I don’t know now, and I’m not too sure that I knew back then either.

That was it for my cycling experience for the day, and I still had to get my steps up to an at least respectable number as my steps were down at 2000 odd. So that’s why I was jogging on the spot for the last about 40 minutes.

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