Thursday 3 January 2019

Day 1967

Day 1967;

My BMI was down to 19.06, steps were up to 19,239 which means that I had walked 12.57 km today and I had burned off 1677 kcal, today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef with white bread) and mince pies.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway with chips.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

It was this morning that I woke up bright and early, so early in fact that. Mich was preparing his breakfast before getting off in his car to drive to some place which is quite a distance away, to sit down in meetings before his one activity of the day, loading a lorry, and he managed to get his steps up to 10,000 for the day. But I had done an hour on the treadmil,  jogging, before an hour on the exercise bike which was before I finally started and finished my hour on the rowing today I have done 3 hours of exercise to his loading of a lorry and I don’t even manage to double his step count,diabolical.

But then I persevered in my watch through of the latest series of Doctor Who , I got to the Demons of Punjab or the episode where Lee Mac dies, and how impressive it is that a system can send distress messages to the Tardis, but it cannot inform them why it’s killing off it’s staff just to get to one man, a white man of which the system destroys the man in the end with the help of the Doctor, as the Doctor just writes a new program for the computer to follow, but couldn’t the intelligent computer system do that itself? As the computer system programmed a way to get the Doctor which is no easy feat, I point out to you something that Sarah Jane Smith said in an older episode, then again still with the tenth Doctor when he was saying to Wilf that thing about the universe wanting them to keep meeting up as some people have been trying for many centuries to meet up with him but Wilfred Mot did it within a short space of time. 

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