Monday 21 January 2019

Day 1985

Day 1985;

For blue Monday I had a BMI of 20.11, my steps were 7356 (which only gave me 4.76 km) and I had burned off 981 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef and cheese in wholemeal bread probably), tunocks wafer and something.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.

Now today I have had another lazy day I know that I have been sat in the car for large portions of it. The only breaks I got was the start of the day I went off to a shop where I was bought some new salopettes/skiing (or snowboarding) trousers. I walked around the shop and I walked to another shop afterwards to get something for Mich, then it was back into the car home before another drive to the place of my snowboarding lesson which I ate my sandwich on the way to snowboarding, in the car. Then I had my snowboarding lesson which was fun, though it wasn’t very athletic I think that it was decided that I am more goofy than normal, in snowboarding, meaning that I favour my right leg more than my left leg then I kept stacking it as soon as I’d stopped, which may have been towards the point that my eyes closed at those points and my balance is hardly the best at any time let alone with my eyes closed and me thinking that I’m leaning forward. But then I got back into a car and I was driven back home where I had a 5km cycle on the turbo trainer.

I can’t wait until I get myself back off to Italy skiing, I cannot believe that it has only just hit me. As I have been wandering around for ages not excited about the fact until just now. It has snuck up to me and then it’s like it has just pounced upon me as a tiger does to its prey, or a cat does to a ball of wool.e

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