Tuesday 15 January 2019

Day 1979

Day 1979;

My BMI is 19.95, I had made quite a few steps (19,203 steps which was a distance of 12.48 km) and I have burned off 1227 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef and wholemeal bread) and cake.
Dinner: fish (salmon), broccoli, green beans, carrots, jacket potato and tart (peach and nectarine).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: some quality street.

202 aye v 432 nay, a defeat by 230. So that was the scale of Mrs May’s defeat in the House of Commons today, which is really quite big a defeat, but their was a bigger defeat just prior to it which had something like 600 votes against and the rest of the votes for, well at least the votes that were cast for that vote, but 600-44 looks a bit correct.

But I think that this whole Brexit debacle has been handled terribly, right the way back to David Cameron. As he should have had some contingency plans for the outcome that happened e.g. by telling us all exactly what a “no-deal” Brexit will look like and by having a blueprint for his successor to follow, then Mrs May could tear up the blueprints if she saw fit, or she could pursue them, then if it still fall short we fall back on the “no-deal”, option. Then we, the Britain people could see exactly what they were doing and what they were supposed to be doing. Instead of the project fear that happened and kind of backfired, on his government.

But that was only on the box this evening, now this morning I had a cycle around Central Park NYC. My power output was pretty similar to every day previous minus that one anomalous result, which I foolishly thought that I could build on. But in the hour of my cycle I managed to get 17.3 miles on the turbo trainer covered, which I am unsure of whether to classify as a success, as it was 1.3 miles down on my distance of yesterday but, eww discussing word, it was over a hillier course, so I gained over double the amount in FT gained.

I have been on another little walk outside, to the GM’s home and then I have also been out for another little bounce and row as well as doing some more yoga. That’s about it that I have done today I do believe, the rest of it was listening to the government, who should have been better prepared for the outcome of the vote, and yes by that I mean that they should have included all parties in the Parliament, as in they should have tried having a cross-party consensus before the shambles of having there deal, destroyed in the way it was. I’m discussed by the government and there lack of preparation to handle these negotiations.

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