Wednesday 23 January 2019

Day 1987

Day 1987;

BMI was down to 20.08, as my steps were down to 10,681, which was only 6.91 km in distance walked however it was 1312 kcal that I burned

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes,
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in wholemeal bread), lemon drizzle cake and tunocks wafer.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast and chips.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 3 quality street chocolates.

This morning I have shaved myself with my new shaver, as Mich has passed on his old shaver down to me, which is funny as he passed his older one down to me the last time, I cannot remember it ever being quite as good as this one though. With the current shaver I could actually feel the smoothness of my skin where I had shaved my chin/neck for just up until now, and now it’s only gone a bit stubbly. Which is different from my old shaver, as when I used to shave I never got such a clean shave my face was like it had a lot of little things just hanging off my face, not that it really ever bothered me but it was just there so I dealt with it, as you do with clothes in the unbearably hot months of summer.

Then I have had another little cycle I only managed to get about 8 miles done around the streets of NYC. Next up I think I bounced, rowed, walked before a second row to make sure that I was getting the steps done correctly, but then I noticed that I had still got something like 37 more steps to do and my watch seemed to have frozen, so I got up and I moved on around to the trampoline to see if it will break the deadlock.

Now there’s a little bit of hate going down on social media recently, which is directed at a “kid” who’s in a pro-life March and he’s getting “assaulted” by a Native American bloke, and he’s just stood there but then people have been saying that he’s smirking at the bloke but I think that he’s trying his hardest not to burst out in a fit of laughter at the bloke as it has been said that the bloke had come between two groups one the group which had the “smirking” guy in the other was a group of black people, but in the video I only saw 2 white folk, well 1 was the “kid” the other was the Native American, I’m sorry if he’s meant to be a different skin tone but I was just typing as I saw it. The person that responded to my comment said stuff about the Traitor Trump (in what ways has he been a traitor to the USA?) and that they were there to  promote the restriction of rights to women (as of which part I also didn’t understand as if a woman has sex and gets pregnant that is her choice, if it isn’t then it counts as rape and I’m sure there’s exceptions if that happens so what’s the problems of?), and someone respond to that comment saying they don’t think that I’m worth responding to. Why not I brought up some relevant questions I though. If you don’t want children don’t have sex, simple. 

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