Friday 4 January 2019

Day 1968

Day 1968:

BMI for today was 19.38, my steps were 18,543 I had walked 12.21 km and I had burned off 1424 kcal today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.

Drinks: milk, fruit squash and fruit juice.

Now today I have been forgetful, I mean that I probably haven’t done anything other than a 12.5 km treadmill walk of which I have only done for no reason whatsoever. Apart from my general fitness and wellbeing I thought that I did it to save myself the Chinese takeaway, but then I had that yesterday not today, and even with the greater than 2 hour walk I didn’t change my BMI.

Tottenham Hotspurs, I think that it was them,managed to beat Trsnmere rovers in the FA Cup today 7-0, which I think was quite excessive, impressive, yes but it was a bit excessive.

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