Monday 14 January 2019

Day 1978

Day 1978;

20.15 was my BMI for today, I had walked 17,560 steps which was 11.37 km and I burned off 1128 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef) and fruit cake.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, fruit cake, Jaffa cakes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Today I have been on another turbo trainer ride it was longer than yesterday’s quick little ride, by approximately three times, but my average speed was down to 18.6 mph, so I only managed to ride about 9.3 mile in the half hour of my cycle, which is actually pretty disappointing considering my average speed of yesterday’s cycle. I should have another go at it on another day then again I am thinking that I need to go on a properly long ride, on the turbo trainer one day, preferably soon, but I don’t know. I should probably do a nice little one and a half hour ride, first just to see how I handle a bike over the longer distances.

Now I have been interested in a local cycling club and all of their rides are about 25 miles, which is  40.2336 km which should take even the slowest group less than 2 hours, as the slowest group has an average speed of 14 mph to maintain but the quickest has an average speed of 19 mph, so too quick for me except in short bursts. As I noticed today that the thing that comes up on the screen after your ride it’s usually one that starts off with you up high but then goes down pretty quickly, of which I believe is the power that you’ve exerted in the prior session, but today it started up top went down as usual but then it went up for a second time in one cycle so I think that the first was probably at the beginning the second was probably at the 10 minute mark and then I just need a third at the 20 minute mark to boost my average speed up to the heights of yesterda,or alternatively and preferably in I was to just blast it from the start , if only I could, but that’s just a wish for me at the current stage of my development as a person. But I know how to realise my dreams, it’s through a lot of work, hard work.

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