Tuesday 22 January 2019

Day 1986

Day 1986;

My BMI is at 20.11 again, I had only managed to make 11,761 steps (which gave me a distance of 7.61 km) and I had only managed to burn off 946 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages, sausages rice cakes, lemon drizzle cake and red velvet cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs, mushrooms and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: some more quality street chocolates.

So today I have done a 16 mile cycle around Central Park, NYC, before I had a little walk and a smaller row, before I went off and I had a bounce in order to keep my steps ticking over.

Now I remember that there was a giant cheer for the no-deal Brexit scenario, on question time the other day, it was as Mich was saying that he assumed that a no-deal Brexit was what we had all voted for, so Mrs May’s attempts to dilute the will of the people was unnecessarily and dam right insulting (no he actually only said the first part I added on the second part), as I personally did, I voted out, I never voted for any type of deal, I just wanted to get out; out of the EU, out of the Single Market, out of the common fisheries policy, out of the Schengen area (blooming heck I haven’t ever been on Holliday outside of the EU but I have always needed my passport so much for the thing on the abolition of passport control). Now back to the part on which Mich had said and I remembered that he had said that much after I was watching a YouTube video on this website and I took it down to him to show him that it was actually a position that had been taken. One that is a seemingly well held perspective on the issue, so I’m not mad.

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