Tuesday 23 October 2018

Day 1895

Day 1895;

BMI was 18.62, I had walked 18,403 steps which gave me 12.12 km in distance but I had burned off 946 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: sandwich (ham in white bread), sausage roll, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, breaded turkey and chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, hot chocolate and fruit juice.
Snacks: popadums and chili cheese.

Saving the NHS, how could it be done? Well it could be done by killing off all of the disabled (which includes me), obese (which includes approximately half of the nurses) and all of the hypochondriacs (time wasters of the NHS). Ok so the disabled like me any objections to having all of our lives erased from the surface of this planet... well I can only think of a couple which are no more Paralympics or other competitions for the disabled (but then that’s all modern and people got by before), but then their would be no Steven Hawkins I know their is no more of him anyway as he’s dead but that’d mean that their couldn’t be another one, but I know it’s a small price for pay for the well-being of a nation. Obese yet another good suggestion I’m thinking obesity is an insidious form of suicide, as that is what obesity is a form of suicide but not one that kills you straight away kind of like hanging yourself from a noose but it’s an extra slow noose (by that I’m meaning your better off dying a quick death by the noose snapping your neck instead of by dying by asphyxiation potentially hours later, but it’s a lot slower and theirs no noose), which have been encouraged by these new social justice warriors and stuff like the fast food industry with new quicker ways of filling your stomach and getting fatter as fat is the new thin these days, as it has become more socially acceptable for parents to go out to work all day then on their way home picking up some fast or processed food for them all to eat for dinner and then some sweets to keep them sweet. Which brings me on to my final point, of this plan as of how to save the NHS if you got rid of all of the hypochondriacs that would relieve the false pressure on the NHS as it would stop people saying that they are ill when they are not. It could stop people taking unnecessary sick days from work also, as if your employer gets to the point where you’re more off than on and a Doctor could be called to see you then they notice nothing wrong with you that’s your first strike on the hypochondriac register.

Now that was my plan to save the NHS, but it also saves the nation from becoming US.02 if it hasn’t already become that way. Today I have been to the gym as with yesterday, but then I went a bit more of the treadmill, for another walk by the means of the treadmill. I also watched some more of the Who, Doctor Who I cannot remember if the episode of whether I watched the Angels of Manhattan while I was on the treadmill or whether it was later on today, but I did remember.

So today I have been to the gym and on the treadmill, just as with yesterday.

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