Friday 26 October 2018

Day 1898

Day 1898;

BMI for today was 18.43, my step count was 24,680 and my distance walked was 16.25 km but my calories burned were down to 1345 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch:  margarita pizza and doughnut.
Dinner: ham, carrots, broccoli, green beans, potatoes, strawberries and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snack: doughnut.

Now today I have been watching some Doctor Who, the eleventh Doctor still. I’m back in the past on my Doctor Who watching, now I haven’t even seen the final 2 series of the 12th Doctor (Peter Capaldi) stint in the blue police box, I’m thinking that I’d only got to the part where Clara leaves the Doctor whipping his mind of her, I think it’s a bit sketchy in my mind. But the 12th Doctor should be the 13th Doctor shouldn’t he? As if there was also John Hurt’s incarnation, the War Doctor, who should have been the ninth Doctor, then it goes with Mr Tennant, 10ant, as eleventh. Then Matt Smith as twelfth, before Peter and Jodie as the thirteenth and fourteenth respectively. But then again I don’t think that Jodie will get off from being the Doctor anytime soon, as the show has seen record numbers of people watching the show which will be as for the first time, in an official capacity (discounting Joanna Lumley, as she had a “cameo”role as the Doctor in the past on Comic Relief/Children in Need back in the days before the Reboot), which may mean that a load of feminists watched the show for the first time just for their own bigoted reasons as well as the faithful Whovians, of whom I wouldn’t be, the time has just slipped away from me. But I remember the days of the Doctor rushing home to watch the show with Rose, Jack, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory, Clara and for a bit we had Micky along with Rose. Their were other passengers in the Tardis along the way but I have just listed out the ones that stuck in my mind.

As I was watching Doctor Who while I was walking, on the treadmill, while I was on the treadmill I watched about an episode and a third before I continued watching it to the competition of a second episode by having a bounce which was before I got onto the new exercise bike and I watched a complete episode while I was exercising.

Now a song has been irritating me today, it’s the song that goes “the grass is always greener on the other side” I could go on about how this is a fabrication and has no basis in reality, but I’m not going to as I get the point that it’s going at, but it is his point about a circle only having 1 side, as that is false just look at a circle it’s got it has got it’s front side which you can see then it has also got it’s reverse side, which you cannot see but it is still there and then you’ve got it’s edge, which it only has one of, so it could have been meaning the circle only has one edge... side, but that doesn’t fit into the song.

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