Saturday 13 October 2018

Day 1885

Day 1885;

BMI was 18.56, my steps were only 11,977 the distance that I walked was only 7.89 km and I had burned off 1132 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: forgot, broccoli, green beans, carrots, cheesecake and sponge cake.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

Now today I have had another lazy day as it’s started off with me playing the laziest sport, Boccia. Then after I’ve been lazy today by watching the football team that I support win, 3-1, which was entertaining. But the drive to get to the match isn’t great, I still think that we should tandem it, Mich even said today that the weather was supposed to be good enough for a cycle today but it’s not supposed to be so good tomorrow. Which sucks, but at least the team that we support won, which gave me another idea but it included switching allegiances in the team that we support. As if we switched to a more local team like the team of the clever foliage then we could just tandem around to the ground and it’s so close to our home that Mich probably wouldn’t even get sweaty.

But then I hadn’t managed to see anymore of Doctor Who until later on today when I went for another little treadmill walk it was the episode that started off Matt Smith’s time as the Doctor where he’s still cooking, late and he’s got 20 minutes to save the human residence (World).

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