Friday 19 October 2018

Day 1891

Day 1891;

18.46 was my BMI of the day, I got 20,846 steps which gave me 13.73 km in distance walked and I managed to burn off 1846 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese with white bread), rice cake (plain), banana, cherry bakewell and chocolate mini roll.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

Today I had managed to make my way up to a number greater than 15000 steps by lunchtime so my total for today was disappointing to say the least. But I have been to the gym and I have done two exercises at the gym. As an actual fact as opposed to a false fact or fake news (should I add a TM symbol next or should I copyright it to Donny Trump?).

In Doctor Who today I think that I missed the episodes as my device for watching ran out of battery charge while I was on the treadmill, it was the episode where they are pirates. But the device hasn’t really been able to get it’s charge back, at least not fully. Also today I have been playing on Mario Odyssey, I added a new costume for the Mario by using an Amiibo.

Then after I used the Amiibo I was taken to the gym, for a workout, nothing too strenuous, I even had to cut the session short as Tini got bored, due to her phone running out of battery charge. So things running out of charge has been pretty much the main theme of the day.

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