Saturday 27 October 2018

Day 1899

Day 1899:

BMI of 18.52, I think, my steps were only at about 11,000 for today I had a distance walked of about 7 km and the amount of calories I burned off as it was only just above 700 I think.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread),  mini chocolate roll, Batternburg and something.
Dinner: seafood pasta, Jaffa cakes and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Russian chocolate and chocolate.

So today I have been to watch a football match, live, and it was a victory for the team that I went to the game to watch, no support. But before the match I had a couple of boccia games to play with the team that I’m a part of the first of which we lost something like 14 - 0 but our second we won 3- 10. I hate being the captain of a team, I’m a much better general dogsbody, but even at that I’m pretty terrible at playing boccia, it may be my useless arms, or it could be my dogsbody just leaking through the cracks.

But then today I have also watched the final sections of Matt Smith being the Doctor, but that is just about it for now, so maybe I’ll get around to watching the Peter Capaldi series tomorrow.

1. William Hartnell
2. Patrick Troughton
3. Jon Pertwee
4. Tom Baker
5. Peter Davison
6. Colin Baker
7. Sylvester McCoy
8. Paul McGann
War Doctor John Hurt
9. Christopher Eccleston
10. David Tennant
David’s vanity issues
11. Matt Smith
12. Peter Capaldi
13. Jodie Whittaker

So that is 15 regenerations.

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