Thursday 4 October 2018

Day 1876

Day 1876;

Penultimate day of holiday and a disappointing number of steps, 20,012, by my watch of which a good hefty chunk of the steps were done on our little Carrefour trip in the afternoon.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, ham, lettuce, tomatoes with white bread) and something.
Dinner: lasagna (tuna), lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, coleslaw, some other food, profiteroles and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit syrup and fruit syrup in hot water.
Snacks: I cannot fathom that I haven’t had any but I cannot remember.

Today was another lazy day which started off with another trip around Brittany in the car, this time it was to a place called Brest, which is a city just inside of the north west coast of France. Which was a pain, in my head, as I have discovered on this trip to the land of the frogs that my head doesn’t ache if we are just blasting our way down a motorway with all of the drivers behaving themselves, just as these frogs do on they’re motorways, with them all in their own practically pristine condition, now that is something that I like about having a privatised road network, but I don’t like paying for the use of roads, which is probably why they are in such good nick, as your standard frog could have as big of an objection to paying as I and they don’t use the roads which knocks the traffic down, and then there’s the issue of paying for use so therefore they will treat the roads with a bit more respect, and they don’t justto the middle lane and then just floor the accelerator pedal. Instead they’re staying in the outer lanes waiting until they get up behind another car before pulling into the inside lane to overtake.

But then today I have somehow managed to develop a cold (virus) but I have no idea as of how, due to the fact that the only 4 people that I have been in contact with for the last week has been the other 4 of the people that I have journeyed to France with, and the 5th person is the land lady of the place that we’re staying at, but that was just a quick shake of the hand, that all of us did, but none of the other 4 are even displaying symptoms of having the cold (virus).

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