Monday 22 October 2018

Day 1894

Day 1894:

Wow my BMI was down on yesterday’s, at 18.53, which I know probably shouldn’t come as a shock seeing as I had done 20,641 steps apparently walking 13.59 km but I had only burned off 940 kcal, at least according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (chicken and p bacon), mini popadums (with cheese and chilli), tiramisu and pineapple.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: pomegranate, grapes and apple.

The reason for my shock of the loss of my BMI was because I had just had my Chinese feast just before I did my Wii Fit body test. Earlier on today/before the meal I had a shower, as I was stinky (I guess that’s what a little greater than two hour walk and a gym session does to me). But before the shower I had done 20,361 steps on my Wii Fit step counter and I had only done 20,011 steps on my watch, I probably had done the extra steps some of which didn’t register on my watch on the exercise bike at the gym, this morning.

As I had woken up I had my breakfast, which took hours in itself. Then I finally managed to get out to the gym,, which I did my usual session, for nowadays which consists of half an hour on the lateral trainer followed by half an hour on the exercise bike. Which had my watches step count up to a number just over 4000. Then I ate my lunch which was interesting to say the least, as I had some sweet chilli sauce on cheese to dip my mini popadums in, which tasted good.

Then after lunch I went for a slight wander on the treadmill while watching some more of Doctor Who. I watched basically the rest of the 6th series, up to the Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, so I’ve got that to look forward to seeing on another one of my wanders tomorrow.

But I have been thinking about how and why a lot of modern day nurses are fat, I know it’s kind of counter intuitive to think of a fat nurse as. As nurses spend the majority of the days/nights on their feet rushing around seeing to patients, but then Mich suggested that I  may donate the box of Quality Street, that I “won” in a raffle that I didn’t even know that I had entered, to Allergy’s work as I probably won’t get around to eating them before they have gone out of date. But then Allergy noted that if she did that then she probably wouldn’t get any of the quality street as they’d be all gone just about as soon as they’d have hit the side in the nurses station, as that is what your standard nurse has gone to nowadays a blubbering land whale that is quick to snatch up sweets and devour them.

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