Wednesday 10 October 2018

Day 1882

Day 1882;

18.40 was my BMI of the day, steps I had17,281 within making said number of steps I have apparently walked 11.38 km and I had burned off 1509 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple and orange.
Lunch: tinned baked beans with mini sausages on bread, fruit cake and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn), cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes.

But today I have done the usual step routine, of stepping on the treadmill while watching some more of Doctor Who. Then after lunch I had a little cycle with Mich, well it was a nice little about 16 mile roundish trail , around a place. We rode the course really well for about the first parts of it until we had got about the first third of the time, then we started flagging a bit, which we did until approximately the penultimate segment where we put our feet to the peddles once more and we broke a personal record on a segment.

So we started off good but then we got weaker as it went on, now that just seems to be like life, as you start off strong, with all your convictions and stuff and then as time goes on you weaken, physically and mentally.

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