Saturday 20 October 2018

Day 1892

Day 1892;

Today according to Wii Fit my BMI was 18.84 I had 13,801 steps  which were 9.09 km and then I had only burned off 848 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, raspberries and watermelon.
Lunch: omelette (cheese, mushroom and ham), strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, banana, orange, grapes and profiteroles.
Dinner: balsamic oil, bread, mushroom pasta, spinach, tomatoes and Christmas pudding.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

On this day I have been especially lazy, as I have had to play some Boccia/the usual Saturday routine. Back in the old days of my youth I had roller hockey practice on Saturday mornings it started off as a one hour little thing which I would go to just for my age group but it eventually turned into a three hour long weekend day outside of the house of which was fun. Even when it was only me skating around the hall attempting to go as quickly as I could I would have fun doing just that until the rest of the team got out. Good times, good long died times. Then I swapped teams, so it was Friday evenings then I carelessly died and then what you’v been left with is this thing, I’ve got some of memories, well I’ve got all the memories that I can remember, which in all honesty isn’t much.

But then again I also played a bit more of Super Mario; Odyssey, I think that I have completed the first World as I have just defeated Bowser and he’s got stroppy and chucked me down into a place, of which I’ll probably have to do to get up to Bowser again for him to get stroppy again, and repeat the routine, but the cats that I was going on about the other day, I think I was mistaken about there identity and they are rabbits, I think.

So then I have also discovered that my skin is pealing, off of my hands, my flesh is pealing. Which is pretty similar to the Flesh on Doctor Who, which I watched the episodes today.

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