Monday 15 October 2018

Day 1887

Day 1887;

18.75 was my BMI for this day, 20,207 steps/13.31 km and I had burned off 1964 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes and orange.
Lunch: tinned baked beans with mini sausages, rice cakes (plain), chocolate cake and fruit cake.
Dinner: meatballs (quorn), pasta and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.
Snacks: tunocks wafer, fruit cake and strawberries.

Now today my watch through of Doctor Who was interrupted, by the little thing; my device for watching the show ran out of battery charge, while I was on the treadmill first thing. First thing today? Well it was the first thing I did today which wasn’t sleeping walking around my home or eating breakfast. Then I may have brushed my teeth before the walk but I couldn’t remember so I made an executive decision to brush them after I had finished my walk/before I did my row and bounce, which I then went back to and did.

Then I went to lunch, after lunch I had athletics. But that was later on today so in the meantime I watched the next episode of the Musketeers, while sitting in my room with the device that I was watching it on plugged in, charging itself, well it wasn’t really charging itself it was plugged into the mains electricity, where I had put it. But that being as it was I had plugged it into a plug socket in the wall.

So that was that until I went to athletics in the evening, Mich went with me, to take me to the place then he scarpered off to purchase himself a turbo-trainer. But he still hasn’t got a bike to ride on his new gizmo yet, at least that’s his excuse, him not to just get on with it. But anyway Tini was miffed by his getting his gift, at least I think that is a word which best describes her reaction, well it was that and anger as Mich had apparently told her that we’d be back at quarter past for dinner, which I was. But by the time that Mich finally sat down it was 5 minutes late, so Tini went a bit mad.

 But also when we got into the car Mich put the cars radio on and we listened to BBC Radio 5 live, as it was England’s match in the UEFA Nations League. The game was Spain vs England, now I was expecting a result similar to the Scotland game the other day, the one where the team from the continent of Europe beat the British team something like 3-1 or 1-3, but then the game kicked off and from the off the Spaniards were attacking Jordan Pickford’s goal. The onslaught was incredible, but then from what seemed to come from thin air there was a goal for the English... then we missed the second goal as I’m thinking that we must have arrived back home but then by the time that we’d got into home and Mich’d turned the radio on, the score was 0-2 but it wasn’t too long until another England scored again. Unbelievably the score was 0-3 by half time. England were just 45 minutes away from making more footballing history, it’s own history. The full time result of the game was 2-3 so the Spanish team managed a bit of a fight back but it was too little too late.

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