Tuesday 16 October 2018

Day 1888

Day 1888;

BMI for today was 18.27, when my steps went up to 21,907 which gave me a distance of 14.48 but the number of kcal that I burned off was down to 1701.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread), cherry bakewell and chocolate mini roll.
Dinner: sausages, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, mashed potato and chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snack: 1 pot of pineapple.

Now the plan for my life is to get myself fit enough for a sport, then it is to get myself into Team GB, for competition, at said sport before finally getting selected for an Olympic Games. Which if that happens then I’ll permit myself to discover what the “emotion” of love is all about as I’ll be worth something, as I’d have achieved something with my life, it may not be much but at least it’ll be something for the potential girlfriend/wife/offspring to say about me; who is a waste of the air that I breathe, for the most part at least.

Today I have been watching some more of Doctor Who, while I have been walking on the treadmill. Today I have watched up to the end of the first series with Matt Smith, as if the day started with Rory Williams getting erased from existence and it ended with now the newly wedded Rory Pond Alongside Amy Pond and The Doctor, setting off out to see the universe. But I haven’t watched all of the episodes on the treadmill, it was just about from half way through of the episode which had the funny coloured grass and the graves eating people, I think, or was it the vampires of Venice? Well I think it was up to at least Van Gogh’s episode, but then that was a bit more later on in today’s day when I was watching , but no I remember now that it was the lodger that I watched while I was walking this evening.

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