Saturday 6 October 2018

Day 1878

Day 1878:

Now today I have returned home from France, and I have been in a car for the majority of the day again and I have only done 2439 steps which gave me a pitiful 1.61 km of distance walked and 577 kcal burned. As for my BMI it had increased to 18.50, for today.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner : I’ve forgotten.h
Drinks: milk, fruit syrup, Lucozade sport (Brazilian guava and Orange) and hot chocolate.
Snacks forgotten, jelly babies and Jaffa cakes.

So today I have had a properly lazy day as I don’t seem to have even put my foot, down, in front of my other foot, at least if you take my Wii Fit steps into account, as I have done immensely poorly.

Then I have been sat down in a car getting a headache for all of the day apart from the stops of the car minus the stop on the train, as I was instructed to stay in the car for the whole of the train trip under the channel which was a bit of a bore.

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