Monday 29 October 2018

Day 1901

Day 1901;

BMI for today was 18.75, steps I had done 19,645 which was 12.94 km in distance and I had burned off 1899 kcal today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages on rice cakes and something.
Dinner: chicken, rice, carrots, peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, cauliflower and bread + butter pudding.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

Now today I have been to the place where I have athletics, I have been to laugh down athletics club. Which was for an enjoyable little jog/run around, doing some little obstacles and holding a medicine ball (which included a bit of throwing). Running about was my favourite part, I also enjoyed jogging around the obstacle course until my eyes stopped working as correctly. Which inhibited my ability to run a bit also, as I was having to fight my eyes in order to see where I had to go, which was in a straight line, but found it difficult, Mich and I should have probably brought a tandem with us, as they had a few people on bikes riding around the track, which may have been to keep up with the wheelchairs but it would probably have managed to get Mich or Lucky more involved, they usually just sit/stand somewhere and chat for the amount of time that we’re there.

Then after the previously mentioned activities I have watched some more of Doctor Who, this time with Mr Angry Scotsman (Peter Capaldi). He’s a funny man I think, just as about all of the Doctors prior. But I think that Matt Smith even though he had some funny parts in his little charade as the Doctor but his version of the Doctor was that of a more serious Doctor.

Finally had a walk on the treadmill in the morning before I got onto the exercise bike for a little ride, but on the exercise bike it was only my little trip to nowhere.

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