Tuesday 31 July 2018

Day 1811

Day 1811:

BMI for today was 19.33, I had only taken 1482 steps which was about 0.96 km and I have only managed to burn off 478 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, nectarine and peach.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: pork, carrots, peas, broccoli, green beans, new potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and fruit squash.
Snacks:  something and some chocolate.

Vegans think that they are saving the world, from the savage humans eating and using the produce of our animal coinhabitants of this planet, but they’re sadly mistaken, it may help to postpone the end of the world but it won’t work indefinitely it will probably only give us say something like an additional 100 more years maximum, but the problem is the whole farming infrastructure, by that I mean the mass deforestation all over the world for cattle and agricultural plants which leave fields fallow for the majority of the year and only growing wheat or another agricultural plant for a couple of months of the year, where forests once grew eating up some of the CO2 which has escaped into the atmosphere creating the effect which is commonly known as global warming, so save our trees is what we should be campaigning for not all of the vegan bull shite that they’re pushing for the moment. As I have got no problem with becoming vegan, as you know me I just eat what is layed in front of me. But just don’t go on about how much you love our fellow animals as if that is an excuse for your veganism, as it’s not in the real world (I’m typing about in the world of our hunter gatherer past) where there wasn’t all this reliance on doctors, and they knew that they had to hunt and to gather food for their breakfast, lunch and dinner, none of this man made shopping lark.

But I’ve had a lazy day today. With me going to Boccia for my activity of the day.

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