Sunday 29 July 2018

Day 1809

Day 1809:

Today Wii Fit was on the blink again, so I used another NHS website for calculating my BMI and scales as I what my height is, on the Wii Fit. So I got a result of 19.2 as my BMI. 

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, blueberries, orange, nectarines, peaches and yogurt.
Lunch: lasagna, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, beetroot, and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: omelette (cheese and tomato) and a milk chocolate chip shortbread.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and cold coffee.
Snack: while chocolate chip cookie.

Yesterday while the time trial was on, in the Tour de France, I was conversing with Mich about a time trial. My thoughts were that you actually only have to go out for a blast over a relatively short stage, there’s no need for any food or drinks while you are on it, even I could do a stage like it, as I wouldn’t need to stop to get any drinks or food down me I would just go out on to the track and then blast my way through the course. But I’d obviously have to have someone with me in order to actually see, where I’m going and to stop the bike when I’m finished, else I’d probably just keep peddling. By the terminology blast, I mean just go at my own pace which maybe quicker or slower than someone like you, yesterday Mich was holding on the brakes and attempting to get me to slow down, apparently. I was on the back of the tandem, peddling as soon as it got harder I put my efforts up.

Then I have had another little bounce before I had another little row. Which was before we went all the way to our localist snow centre, well we’ve got two which are simliar distances away, and the one that I go to is the one that allows DSUK to work out of, as it’s by the use of DSUK that I have been able to ski again, and now I have actually started to learn to snowboard, well I have had one lesson once upon a time I’m thinking that it was actually in the past four months, as I had it one month that I missed the skiing day at the end of the month so Mich took me skiing earlier on the next month, which was before I managed to get to go to the next month skiing meet and I’m thinking that happened two months ago as I have gone to two skiing days since, including today, if I’m not mistaken. I’m apparently the poster boy for DSUK also nowadays, at least according to Emu. Now they’re wanting a quote from me, but I think they’re intelligent enough to know not to ask me for it directly as they were pestering Emu for it today, as they know I can ski, fine, but they must know that the words written for the case study that “I” did weren’t mine, as I never realised that I had done a case study, so it must have been Mich that did it, he may have questioned me to get some of the content for it, but you probably know how much of this is just the inarticulate ravings of a madman. But still I’m not on any posters

But today was also the day of the Prudential Ride London, we didn’t do it this year. But this year it was the time of my snowboarding instructor attempt, he only managed 94 miles but it was in something like + 2 hours on our result, and he missed out box hill apparently, which was one of the most fun parts of the ride I’m thinking. As I am thinking that it was on that hill that the man cycled up to us as we were going at a snails pace, on the descent (urg Mich is still too trigger happy on the brakes), and the man told us that we had over taken him on the assent, before he powered his way down the descent.

But I’m hoping that I get another shot at it next year I’m hoping to see if I can beat the time that we got last year perhaps with a different driver on the front of the tandem, if Mich is so worried about messing up his one hundred percent record of competition, for the PRL one hundred.

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