Wednesday 18 July 2018

Day 1798

Day 1798;

My BMI was 19.59, I had only taken 17,512 steps which was 11.34 km and I had burned off 1013 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, banana and pear.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: battered fish, chips, curry sauce and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: half a banana.

Now today I have had I have had a bit of a nothing morning. Then just before lunch I had a tiny walk on the treadmill, but then after lunch I had a longer walk on the treadmill. But that was it of my activity for today, until the cycle I did later on before we had our take-away dinner, of fish and chips, but I had extra chips to save them from going to waste; not that me eating them isn’t a waste.

Then we watched the highlights of the Tour de France, team Sky came to the fore in today’s stage, with Geraint Thomas taking the yellow jersey with his team mate just 20 seconds behind him, in Third but he’s on the same time as Tom Dumoulan who finished in second. So GC is looking interesting with Geraint Thomas now in first, Chris Froome in second and Tom Dumoulan in third, 29 seconds off Froome. But Mark Caverndish of team Dimension Data, failed to make the cut, by 1 hour 5 minutes, so his tour is now over.

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