Saturday 28 July 2018

Day 1808

Day 1808:

So Wii Fit worked today, my BMI 19.53, my steps were only 8382 the distance I had walked was only 5.43 km and I had burned 1311 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, cucumber in white bread), chocolate cake and batternburg.
Dinner: lasagna, salad, tomato, cheese and summer trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and peach alcohol.
Snacks: banana, strawberries, blueberries, peaches and nectarines.

Yesterday I had taken 11,732 steps which was 7.60 km and I had only managed to burn off 848 kcal, according to Wii Fit, but today I have been cycling around “the streets of London” 

“Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London,
I’ll show you something to make you change your mind”

But those lines come after the lines “So how can you tell me you’re lonely” and “And say for you that the sun don’t shine”, of which the first could be a reference to how it feels in London with everybody rushing about sticking to their own business without any interpersonal interactions, unlike the countryside life where everybody knows everybody or at the least you have a mutual acquaintance, or how it used to be. The second one would probably be another reference to the past but thinking of the past as in the smog and such like which used to plague London and about how little sun light you could see in the dark days of the old industrial revolution. So it could be a sarcastic song, or something like that, the song of oxymorons.

Now today I have been cycling around the Prudential ride London free cycle route which was our probably slowest ever cycle around London but we still managed to meet 3 other tandems on our 2 laps around the circuit, which took us about maybe slightly over 20 minutes. But we had an enjoyable time, we watched some BMX riders prance about on a stage over lunch also. But Geraint Thomas won his first of cyclings Grand Tours today to make him the third Brit to have won it, but Chris Froome managed to eak out an unlikely 3rd position by coming second on the time trial stage, even if it seemed like he had won the stage but it turned out not to be the case and Tom Dumoulan won the stage, even though Geraint came third on the stage he had managed to get a big enough buffer over the course of the 3 weeks of racing to win. So now he just needs to get himself to the line in Paris tomorrow to win.

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